Who Are We?

Somos, founded in 1995, is a statewide immigrant-led organization that promotes worker and racial justice.


With a membership of over 3,500 people in eight counties, Somos:
  • Offers community education about rights and remedies
  • Forges leadership opportunities for immigrants and low-wage workers
  • Initiates impact litigation to advance worker’s rights
  • Engages Latinos and low-wage workers in the political and electoral process
  • Leads and supports grassroots campaigns for local and national policies to strengthen our communities.

Where to find us

OUR History

New Mexico State Legislative Memorial
A group of immigrants and supporters in Santa Fe campaigns to pass a state legislative memorial condemning California’s passage of Proposition 187. Out of this campaign, Somos Un Pueblo Unido was born.
Santa Fe Anti-discrimination Resolution
Somos works to pass a City Council resolution barring city employees, including police officers, from asking residents about their immigration status. The resolution also leads to the creation of a permanent city committee on immigrant affairs, still active today.
No Immigrant Prison!
Somos rallies the community to stop Santa Fe County from opening a for-profit segregated immigrant prison.
Licencias para Inmigrantes; Seguridad para Todos
Somos spearheads a statewide campaign to pass a law-making undocumented immigrants eligible for drivers’ licenses in New Mexico.
Greenlight New Mexico’s Future
Somos organizes a statewide effort to pass one of the most progressive higher education laws for undocumented immigrant students in the country, allowing students to qualify for access in-state tuition and state financial aid regardless of immigration status.
Raising the Floor in Santa Fe
As part of the Santa Fe Living Wage Network, Somos is instrumental in establishing one of the nation's highest citywide minimum wages with a yearly cost of living increase.
Protecting New Mexico’s Workers
Somos leads a campaign to pass a slate of anti-wage theft laws protecting all workers from unscrupulous employers who steal their hard-earned money.
Bias-based Policing Ban
Somos works alongside the NAACP and the Drug Policy Alliance to make New Mexico the 23rd state to ban racial profiling and other forms of bias-based policing.
Fighting Family Detention in Rural New Mexico
Somos organizes a grassroots effort in southeastern New Mexico to protest the incarceration of children and mothers and shut down the family detention center in Artesia.
ICE Out of New Mexico’s Jails
Somos prevents hundreds of deportations by passing leading-edge jail policies in five counties ending collaboration with ICE, and prohibiting the use of ICE detainers to violate immigrants’ civil rights.
Strengthening Sanctuary for All
Somos heads a campaign to strengthen Santa Fe’s sanctuary policies, making them the strongest and most progressive in the country.
In Defense of Drivers’ Licenses
Somos leads a statewide coalition to thwart repeated efforts by former Governor Susana Martinez to take away driver’s licenses from New Mexico’s immigrant families and spearheads a new law creating a more just and efficient licensing system for all New Mexicans.
Increasing Opportunities for Working Families
Somos co-leads campaigns to increase the state minimum wage, mandate paid sick leave and expand renewable energy portfolio standards while making sure immigrant workers in rural communities are not left behind in the emerging green economy.
Securing Economic Relief for Immigrants
Somos co-leads local and statewide campaigns to secure over $25 million in cash assistance for 25,000 families left out of federal COVID-19 cash relief programs, to make undocumented tax filers eligible for the New Mexico Working Families Tax Credit, and to secure tax rebates for struggling families.
Promoting Equity in Workforce Development
Somos leads a campaign to increase state funding for Integrated Education Training and supplemental income for low-income workers enrolled in adult education and certification programs.